About the founding of Plantae Creams…
Hi, I’m Bryan. I grew up with the nickname NatureBoy and have had a long standing interest in ethnobotany (traditional peoples’ relations with plants) which is why I pursued a degree in Plant Biotechnology and these pursuits.

After researching the harm of the many ingredients found in daily cosmetics and concluding we were never meant to use petroleum for skincare, I decided to use my connection to the plant kingdom (plantae) medicines to help with everyday aliments and created my first products for family.
Scent is an often overlooked primal connection: a bridge between our external and internal emotional worlds. Similarly, skin is one of the three ways ways we get nutrients from our environment. Therefore, Nourish your skin, feed your senses and absorb the goodness of nature!
Plantae Creams is the third pillar of a personal journey which I also believe to be a trans-personal path of the archetype The Greenman. Join others on a collective journey called The Greenman Movement pointing us back to what is real. Real is when we experience connection to both our body and Nature and realize that they are inseparable.